How Celery Chord Synchronization Works

By Chris, 03/26/2015, in Code & tutorials

Celery is a powerful tool for managing asynchronous tasks in Python. The basic model is synchronous Python code pushes a task (in the form of a serialized message) into a message queue (the Celery "broker", which can be a variety of technologies - Redis, RabbitMQ, Memcached, or even a database), and worker processes pull tasks off the queue and execute them. But Celery's 16,000 lines of application code certainly provide a lot more functionality than a simple task queue. Celery exposes a number of powerful synchronization (or "workflow" in Celery parlance) primitives - ways to execute groups of tasks together, chain async task results in a synchronous manner, or execute a callback after a group of tasks have finished executing.

At Grove, we make extensive use of this final primitive, called a "chord" in Celery. Here's a trivial chord example, from the Celery docs:

>>> from celery import chord
>>> from tasks import add, tsum

>>> chord(add.s(i, i)
...       for i in xrange(100))(tsum.s()).get()

This queues up 100 'add' tasks, the results of which Celery aggregates into a list, which is passed into the callback function (tsum) when all of the tasks have finished executing.

We use chords for all sorts of tasks. For example, every night we charge recurring shipments, and send out an internal email with the results of how many charges succeeded, and how many failed due to things like expired credit cards. The charge tasks are all asynchronous, distributed across many workers, and the final email is the chord's callback function.

Pretty cool! But exactly does this coordination work? The Celery docs leave this somewhat cryptic comment:

"The synchronization step is costly, so you should avoid using chords as much as possible. "


Reading a bit further, we learn that:

By default the synchronization step is implemented by having a recurring task poll the completion of the group every second, calling the signature when ready.

That does sound a bit costly. But wait! There's more!

This is used by all result backends except Redis and Memcached, which increment a counter after each task in the header, then applying the callback when the counter exceeds the number of tasks in the set. Ah-ha! The most common broker backends for Celery are Redis and RabbitMQ, which will serve as exemplars for the two types of synchronization as we dig in.

Redis is often described as a "swiss army knife" for data. It functions great as a message broker, but also as a general-purpose (non-relational) data store. This means that Celery can store a count in Redis, of the number of tasks originally in the chord, and increment that counter every time a task completes. Here's the relevant code from the Celery source:

_, readycount, totaldiff, _, _ = client.pipeline()               \
     .rpush(jkey, self.encode([1, tid, state, result]))          \
     .llen(jkey)                                                 \
     .get(tkey)                                                  \
     .expire(jkey, 86400)                                        \
     .expire(tkey, 86400)                                        \

     totaldiff = int(totaldiff or 0)

         callback = maybe_signature(request.chord, app=app)
         total = callback['chord_size'] + totaldiff
         if readycount == total:
             decode, unpack = self.decode, self._unpack_chord_result

This code (which is part of a larger function) executes every time one of the chord's subtasks completes by binding to the on_chord_part_return property. Through some clever Redis pipelining, the count gets incremented, then retrieved into readycount. Then, if readycount==total, the chord callback gets executed. Cool!

Is it expensive, as the docs claim? Well...sort of. It causes a slew of Redis commands to fire after every subtasks completes, but it uses connection pooling, and the pipeline redis primitive, so there is only one round-trip to the broker. It depends on your use case whether you consider this expensive or not. it seems like a small price to pay for the synchronization.

Now that we understand Redis, let's see how RabbitMQ does it.

RabbitMQ is a message queue. It is not designed to persist arbitrary data, but is purpose built as a broker. There isn't a place to store a counter, so Celery relies on a polling strategy to determine if the chord is ready to complete. The code for this is spread out across a number of source files, but it all starts with apply_chord() in the base broker class (which RabbitMQ, referred to as 'amqp' in Celery, inherits from).

When the chord starts, apply_chord calls callback_chord_unlock, which in turn queues up the built-in celery.chord_unlock task. Here's the crucial bit of code in chord_unlock that polls for the completion of the subtasks:

    ready = deps.ready()
except Exception as exc:
    raise self.retry(
               exc=exc, countdown=interval, max_retries=max_retries,

If the subtasks are ready, the callback gets queued for execution. Otherwise, chord_unlock gets queued for a retry. this expensive? Well, maybe. Certainly more so than checking a counter. Check out how ResultSet.ready() works -- it checks the .ready() property of each subtask, which ultimately results in a call to _get_task_meta for each subtask. Celery does a good job caching the task metadata, but nonetheless this means examining the metadata for each task, each time the chord_unlock polling task runs. I suspect this is what the docs refer to when they warn of the synchronization being potentially expensive.

So that's it -- an under-the-covers look at how Celery actually coordinates tasks. I was surprised to learn that the strategy varied so radically based on the broker backend, but certainly reaffirms my love for Redis and all its flexibility.

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