
Hi there!

I'm Chris Clark. I'm co-founder of Grove Collaborative. We're an eCommerce brand that helps families make better decisions about the products they use in their homes every day.

Before Grove, I ran product & engineering at Kaggle and got the opportunity to work with fascinating, brilliant colleagues and a fascinating, brilliant community of data scientists.

When I started my career, I thought I was going to be a good engineer. It turns out I'm only an OK engineer, and am probably better at building products and teams. I've worked in Python, JavaScript, Clojure, and .NET but now spend most of my time debugging communication problems, and helping teams move fast.

I've have a number of open source projects, but really just one of note; Django SQL Explorer, a SQL-based data sharing and query tool that has become reasonably popular. Note that I firmly believe Django Sprinklers should be popular, but no one has ever paid attention to it. Learn more on the projects page.

Once upon a time I created Oberon Socks, a men's dress sock company, now defunct.

You can reach me at [email protected].